WEEK 2 (FYP 2)

Title : Research on components used

Before starting the project, I have finalized what components that I will be used. So before going to purchased the components, I did some research about the components.

W1209 Temperature control switch:

The W1209 Temperature control switch is a low cost but highly functional thermostat controller. It uses thermostat as it main sensor to senses the temperature until certain threshold is reach. The module can control most of the temperature sensing based electrical device mainly because of the highly accuracy Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) temperature sensor. NTC is a thermally sensitive resistor sensor which its resistance shows an extensive, accurate and predictable decrease as the core temperature of the sensor increases over the working temperature range. It means that the sensor resistance will decreases with increasing temperature.

It also has three tactile switches that use in configuring different type of parameters which include the on and off trigger temperature. The on board relay can switch up to a maximum of 240V AC at 5A or 14V DC at 10A. The seven segment display is acting as the temperature display which displayed in degree Celsius.