WEEK 17 (FYP 1)

Title: Finalizing proposal report and progress blog

In this week, I have finalised my proposal report and send it to my supervisor for plagiarism check. After the check, I did some touch up by adding abstract and table of content. I have also finalised my progress blog until this week. Finally, I send the complete report and the link for the blog to my supervisor for marking.

As a conclusion, from doing this research project proposal, I have earned some valuable knowledge about this project which is related to my studies. For example like the advantage of Peltier module that is one of the devices that can be used widely in any field. I have also earned the knowledge on how to write a proper report and avoiding plagiarism which is important.

I hope that in near future and for my FYP 2, I can gain more knowledge in this project which is related to my field of studies.